can use min–max planning to maintain inventory levels for all of your items or
selected items. With min–max planning, you specify minimum and maximum
inventory levels for your items. When the inventory level for an item (on–hand
quantities plus quantities on order) drops below the minimum, Oracle Inventory
suggests a new purchase requisition, internal requisition, move order, or job
to bring the balance back up to the maximum.
- Organization level
- Sub inventory level.
you min–max plan at the organization level, you can optionally include the
following transactions as demand in the min–max planning calculation:
sales orders, reserved sales orders, account issue move orders, and work
in process component requirements. Purchase requisitions and internal requisitions
for buy items and WIP unreleased jobs for make items for the suggested
replenishment quantities can be optionally created. You can then turn these
requisitions into purchase orders or internal orders and the unreleased jobs
into jobs for the required items.
Level Min–Max Planning
you min–max plan at the organization level, Oracle Inventory looks at inventory
balances, purchase requisitions, internal requisitions, internal sales orders,
and WIP jobs as supply. It looks at sales orders, WIP job component
requirements, and account issue move orders as demand.
use min–max planning at the organization level, you must set the item
attributes used by min–max planning. You can start by setting the Inventory
Planning Method item attribute to Min–max planning. You establish your
minimum and maximum levels used in the calculation using the Min–Max Minimum
Quantity and the Min–Max Maximum Quantity item attributes. You can optionally
set the order quantity modifier item attributes (Minimum Order Quantity,
Maximum Order Quantity, and Fixed Lot Size Multiplier) to further control the
suggested order quantities generated by min–max planning. Set the Make or Buy
flag to Make to optionally generate unreleased jobs and to Buy to
optionally generate requisitions. For buy items, set the List Price for the
item to automatically generate requisitions.
repetitive items, since you cannot generate repetitive plans, you have the
option of generating requisitions, unplanned jobs, or a report only.
planning is performed by running the Min–Max Planning report. By selecting
organization level planning, you run min–max planning for your organization. In
addition to the planning level option, Oracle Inventory offers the options to Net
Reserved Orders, Net Unreserved Orders, Net WIP Demand, and Include
Non–nettable Inventory Quantities when calculating availability. You also
specify a Demand Cutoff Date and a Supply Cutoff Date.
you choose No to all the net demand options, Oracle Inventory performs
the following calculation:
- Nettable Quantity on Hand + On Order = Total Available, in which:
- Nettable Quantity on Hand is the sum of the quantities on hand for the item across all the nettable subinventories within your organization. Non–nettable quantities may optionally be included.
- On Order is the sum of open purchase orders, purchase requisitions, internal requisitions, internal orders, and work in process jobs scheduled for receipt on or before the supply cutoff date.
- If Total Available < Minimum Quantity, suggest a new order, in which:
- Minimum Quantity is the value for the Min–Max Minimum Quantity item attribute.
- Order Quantity = Maximum Quantity – Total Available, adjusted for order quantity modifiers:
- Oracle Inventory revises the order quantity if necessary for the quantity to be a multiple of the fixed lot size multiplier.
- The order quantity must be greater than or equal to the minimum quantity, or Oracle Inventory revises the quantity upward to the minimum.
you choose Yes to any of the net demand options, Oracle Inventory
performs the following calculation:
- Nettable Quantity on Hand + On Order – Open Demand = Total Available, in which
- Nettable Quantity on Hand is the sum of the quantities on hand for the item across all the nettable subinventories within your organization. Non–nettable quantities may optionally be included.
- On Order is the sum of open purchase orders, requisitions, internal orders, and work in process jobs scheduled for receipt on or before the supply cutoff date.
- Open Demand is the sum of unreserved sales orders, inventory reservations, including reserved sales orders, account issue move orders, and WIP component demand scheduled for issue on or before the demand cutoff date.
- If Total Available < Minimum Quantity, suggest a new order, in which
- Minimum Quantity is the value for the Min–Max Minimum Quantity item attribute.
- Order Quantity = Maximum Quantity – Total Available, adjusted for order quantity modifiers:
- Oracle Inventory revises the order quantity if necessary for the quantity to be a multiple of the fixed lot size multiplier.
- The order quantity must be greater than or equal to the minimum quantity, or Oracle Inventory revises the quantity upward to the minimum.
- The order quantity must be less than or equal to the maximum quantity, or Oracle Inventory revises the quantity down to the maximum.
you run the Min–Max Planning report, you can have Oracle Inventory create
requisitions for buy items and unreleased jobs for make items by answering Yes
to Restock. You must also specify a ocation to serve as the default
deliver to location on the requisitions. Oracle Inventory creates purchase
requisitions for Buy items when the item attribute Replenish ment Source Type
is set to Supplier. Oracle Inventory creates internal requisitions for
internal sales orders for Buy
when the item attribute Replenishment Source Type is set to Inventory.
For internal requisitions, Oracle Inventory uses the item attribute Source
Organization to determine the organization from which the internal requisition
sources the item. For Repetitive Items you optionally create requisitions
or unreleased jobs.
following example shows you how Oracle Inventory performs min–max planning.
Assume an item has the following quantity values and item attribute settings:
- Nettable quantity on hand = 25
- Open supply quantity = 50
- Open reserved sales order quantity = 90
- Inventory planning method = Min–max planning
- Min–max minimum quantity = 100
- Min–max maximum quantity = 500
you run the Min–Max Planning report, and specify No to Net Reserved
Orders, Oracle Inventory performs the following calculations:
- Total Available: 25 + 50 = 75
- We assume that all the supply is within the supply cutoff date, for a supply total of 50.
- Total available quantity is 75.
min check: 75 < 100
o The total available quantity is less
than the min–max minimum quantity, so Oracle Inventory plans a new order.
- Max quantity less total available: 500 – 75 = 425
- To bring the quantity available back to the min–max maximum, Oracle Inventory will plan an order for 425.
you run the Min–Max Planning report, and specify Yes to Net Reserved
Orders, Oracle Inventory performs the following calculations:
- Total Available: (25 + 50) – 90 = (–15)
- We assume that all the supply is within the supply cutoff date, for a supply total of 50.
- We assume that all the demand is within the demand cutoff date, so open reserved orders total to 90.
- Total available quantity is (–15).
min check: (–15) < 100
- The total available quantity is less than the min–max minimum quantity, so Oracle Inventory plans a new order.
- Max quantity less total available: 500 – (–15) = 515
- To bring the quantity available back to the min–max maximum, Oracle Inventory will plan an order for 515.
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